Let’s take the Hassle out of daily Commute.

Why Cariska ?


Easy Booking

When you are traveling whether you are a driver or passenger looking to share ride with somebody, you can open Cariska app in minutes, post a ride or search for a ride going your way and that is all.



Your personal safety comes first. Users are required to give means of identification BVN or NIN, this keeps records of authentic users whether its car owner or passenger. You are under no obligation to avail every ride you book, if you are not comfortable. Always let us know what is your security concern so that we can improve security and comfort of services.


Time Saver

Time is money: Cariska app saves your money and Time. This helps car owners to reduce expenses of fueling their cars by sharing the cost of fuel with other people. Cariska app saves your time, waiting for commercial buses. With Cariska app users can find ride in his or her neighborhood, you can ride with co - workers or friends.

About Us


Cariska is a ride – sharing app designed specifically for passengers and drivers (Users) going the same way. The Cariska app allows you to share ride with someone going your way without hustle. Cariska is here to help reduce the stress passengers pass through in the process of waiting for transport when going and coming back from work or commuting from one place to the other. Cariska is here to impact on the society / communities by encouraging sharing culture among the people.

How Does It Work ?


Are you going somewhere?
Share. Drive. Save

    ImagePublish your ride in seconds
    ImageDecide who you will ride with and number of persons you want to ride with.
    ImageEnjoy the least expensive ride you have ever made

Are you going somewhere?
Book. Meet. Go

    ImageSearch for ride(s) going anywhere you want to go
    ImageFind the ride closest to you, maybe one leaving from just around the corner
    ImageBook a seat instantly or request a seat

Contact Cariska


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